Workshops > 15th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity

15th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity

The post-adiabatic corrections to the gravitational wave phase for quasicircular extreme mass-ratio inspirals into a Kerr black hole.

Soichiro Isoyama

Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics


To extract the reliable binary parameters of an EMRI or IMRI, it has been argued that the post-adiabatic corrections are important in the gravitational wave phase, which are the first subleading phase corrections to the leading adiabatic approximation and consists of various pieces of self-forces. Based on the resummation of the standard post-Newtonian approximation, we estimate the impact from these corrections to the gravitational wave phase composed by self-forces, focusing on the various quasi circular extreme mass-ratio inspirals on a Kerr black hole. In this presentation, we mainly discuss the corrections from the second order dissipative self-forces and the first order conservative self-forces. While these corrections cannot be negligible in gravitational waves phases, we find that most pieces of the corrections are dominated by lower few post-Newtonian terms of the conserved energy and the energy flux due to the resummation for most EMRI and IMRI binaries. Our result may imply that the phase corrections from higher post-Newtonian terms, which can be read from the actual self-force calculation, might be suppressed.