Research Activities > Programs >
Incompressible Flows 2006>
Jim Duncan

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
The Effects of Surfactants on Breaking Waves
Jim Duncan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Maryland
Abstract: The
effects of surfactants on mechanically generated
breaking waves are studied experimentally. The waves
are generated in a tank that is 11.8 m long, 1.1 m
wide and 1.0 m deep. Wave profiles along the center
plane of the tank are measured with an LIF technique
that utilizes a high-speed digital movie camera.
This measurement system is mounted on an instrument
carriage that is set to move along the tank with the
speed of the breaking crests. Measurements are
performed with clean water and water mixed with
various concentrations of the soluble surfactants
Triton X-100 and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate. Extensive
measurements are also performed to characterize the
dynamic properties of the water surface for each
experimental condition. In clean water, the waves
studied herein are dominated by surface tension and
form spilling rather than plunging breakers. In the
presence of a wide range of surfactant conditions,
this process is changed only quantitatively from the
clean-water case. However, in two of the surfactant
conditions, two types of plunging breakers were
formed. The physical reasons for the appearance of
these plungers in terms of the measured dynamic
surface properties are discussed.