D-Coupled DA (Wednesday/Thursday, 9-10 October 2013)

P# Author Title (Link to presentation if available)
D-p01 Santha Akella Assimilation for Sea Surface Skin Temperature in GEOS-DAS abstract
D-p02 Alberto Carrassi On the Problem of Initializing Climate Prediction abstract
D-p03 Mohamad El Gharamti Dual States Estimation of Subsurface Flow-Transport Coupled Model using Ensemble Kalman Filtering abstract
D-p04 Sergey Frolov Development of strongly coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation scheme at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory abstract
D-p05 Kosuke Ito Development of a meso 4D-Var data assimilation system using a coupled atmosphere-ocean model for typhoon intensity prediction abstract
D-p06 Hiroshi Koyama Assimilation of Surface Observations Using an Atmosphere-ocean Coupled EnKF abstract
D-p07 Xu Li Improved Oceanic Component within the NCEP GFS abstract
D-p08 Tomoko Matsuo Upper Atmospheric Data Assimilation with an Ensemble Kalman Filter abstract
D-p09 Jesse Meng Implementation of GLDAS in the NCEP Operational Global Climate and Weather Forecast Systems abstract
D-p11 Saroja Polavarapu An Ensemble Kalman Smoother for the Coupled Greenhouse Gas and Flux estimation problem: Design of the Environment Canada Carbon Assimilation System abstract
D-p12 Polly Smith Exploring Coupled 4D-Var Data Assimilation Using an Idealized Atmosphere-Ocean Model abstract
D-p13 Robert Tardif Exploring Strategies in Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Data Assimilation with a Low-Order Climate Model and CMIP5 Data abstract
D-p14 Robin Wedd Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions in CMIP5 Coupled Model Decadal Data abstract
D-p15 Yonghong Yin A Coupled Ensemble Data Assimilation System for Seasonal Prediction in Australia abstract
D-p16 Fei Zheng Coupled assimilation of both atmospheric and oceanic observations for ENSO prediction using an intermediate coupled model abstract
D-p17 Milija Zupanski Forecast error covariance in a coupled Land-Atmosphere Ensemble Data Assimilation with NASA-Unified WRF model abstract