P# |
Author |
Title (link to presentation if available) |
I-p01 |
Michael Bosilovich |
Evaluation of the Relative Contribution of Observing Systems in Reanalyses: Aircraft Temperature Bias and Analysis Innovations
abstract |
I-p02 |
Michael Bosilovich |
Evaluation of Observing Systems variations on Central US Water Cycle
abstract |
I-p03 |
Pierre Brousseau |
A Posteriori Diagnostics of the Impact of Observations on the AROME-France Convective-Scale Data-Assimilation System
abstract |
I-p04 |
Steven Fletcher |
A Quality Control Study of NOAA MIRS Cloudy Retrievals during Hurricane Sandy
abstract |
I-p05 |
Alison Fowler |
A Non-linear Method for IASI Channel Selection
abstract |
I-p06 |
Nicholas Gasperoni |
Improving Ensemble-based Observation Impact Estimate using a Group Filter Technique
abstract |
I-p07 |
Sean Healy |
Scaling of GNSS Radio Occultation Impact with Observation Number Using an Ensemble of Data Assimilations
abstract |
I-p08 |
Daniel Holdaway |
Inclusion of linearized moist physics in NASA's Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation Tools
abstract |
I-p09 |
Brett Hoover |
Observation impact on tropical cyclone forecasts: An adjoint approach
abstract |
I-p10 |
Bruce Ingleby |
Comparison of Met Office and ECMWF Background Fields with Conventional Observations
abstract |
I-p11 |
John Lewis |
Investigation of Model Covariance with Low-Order Dynamics
abstract |
I-p12 |
Cristina Lupu |
A Critical Comparison of Methods to Assess Observation Impact in NWP
abstract |
I-p13 |
Michiko Masutani |
Joint OSSE and OSSE at JCSDA
abstract |
I-p14 |
Nikki Prive |
Investigating Sources of Error in Numerical Weather Forecasting with an Observing System Simulation Experiment
abstract |
I-p15 |
Marcos Adolfo Saucedo |
Sensitivity Experiments with a LETKF Data Assimilation Scheme Employing the WRF Model
abstract |
I-p16 |
Innocent Souopgui |
Second and Third order Adjoint Methods for Sensitivity Analysis in Pollution Models
abstract |
I-p17 |
Aneesh Subramanian |
Quantifying uncertainty in transient climate sensitivity subject to uncertainty in forcing and natural variability using a non-Gaussian filter
abstract |
I-p18 |
Govindan Kutty |
A Comparison of Impacts of Radiosonde and AMSU Radiance Observations In GSI-based Hybrid and 3DVar Data Assimilation Systems for NCEP GFS
abstract |
I-p19 |
Yu Zhang |
Ensemble Transform Adjoint Method for Adaptive Observation
abstract |
I-p20 |
Yann Michel |
Applying tests of univariate Gaussianity on short range forecasts from an ensemble of variational assimilations
abstract |