P# |
Author |
Title (Link to presentation if available) |
B-p02 |
Ludovic Auger |
AROME-NWC : an adaptation of the meso-scale NWP model AROME to nowcasting
abstract |
B-p03 |
Jacob Carley |
Development of an HourlyUpdated NAM Forecast System and Application to the Damaging Summer 2012 Derecho Event
abstract |
B-p04 |
Sha Feng |
Improved Hydrometeor Simulations Using Cloud Resolving WRF and Multi-Scale Data Assimilation and Augmented Forcing for Single Column Models
abstract |
B-p06 |
Stephanie Guedj |
Toward the assimilation of the future MTG-IRS data in a fine-scale weather forecast model : Potential benefits
abstract |
B-p07 |
Susanna Hagelin |
AROME Airport: Nowcasting with a High-Resolution Configuration of the Operational French Meso-Scale AROME Model
abstract |
B-p08 |
Mylene Haslehner |
Testing particle filters on convective scale dynamics
abstract |
B-p09 |
Youngsun Jung |
Multi-Scale Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation and Forecasts of the 10 May 2010 Tornado Outbreak in the Central US Domain |
abstract |
B-p10 |
Radhika Kanase |
abstract |
B-p11 |
Takuya Kawabata |
Development of a New Storm-Scale 4D-Var Assimilation System |
abstract |
B-p12 |
Jan Keller |
Self-Breeding: A new Approach to the Estimation of Uncertainty Structures in Meso-Scale NWP models |
abstract |
B-p13 |
Benjamin Menetrier |
Spatial Filtering of Small Ensemble-Based Estimations of Background Error Parameters at Convective Scale |
abstract |
B-p15 |
Pauline Martinet |
Use of Microphysical Variables for the Assimilation of IASI Cloudy Radiances in Convective Scale Models
abstract |
B-p17 |
Anthony Reinhart |
Impact and Verification of Microphysical Parameterizations on Supercell Thunderstorm Cold Pools using WRF/DART EnKF Data Assimilation Experiments |
abstract |
B-p19 |
Annika Schomburg |
Assimilation of Cloud Information at the Convective Scale with the Ensemble Kalman Filter |
abstract |
B-p20 |
Matthias Sommer |
Observation Impact in a Convective-Scale Localized Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter |
abstract |
B-p21 |
Juanzhen Sun |
Comparison of Two Pairs of Momentum Control Variables in WRFDA for Convective-scale Data Assimilation |
abstract |
B-p22 |
Therese Thompson |
Multi-Scale Data Assimilation of the June 13, 2010 VORTEX2 Tornadic Supercell |
abstract |
B-p23 |
Michael Wuersch |
A Simple Dynamical Model of Cumulus Convection for Data Assimilation Research |
abstract |
B-p24 |
Yuanfu Xie |
The Variational Version of the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS): Hot-start Data Assimilation of Convective Events |
abstract |
B-p25 |
Nusrat Yussouf |
Multiscale Ensemble Data Assimilation and Forecasts of a Tornadic Supercell Storm |
abstract |
B-p26 |
Hailing Zhang |
Impact of Surface Observations on the Predictability of Landfalls of Hurricane Katrina (2005) with Ensemble-based Data Assimilation |
abstract |