A-Atmospheric DA (Monday/Tuesday, 7-8 October 2013)

P# Author Title (Link to presentation if available)
A-p01 Eric Bazile 2D surface reanalysis over Europe at 5 km scale within EURO4M project: system description and validation abstract
A-p02 Loik Berre Development and operational implementation of flow-dependent wavelet-based correlations using the Ensemble 4D-Var at Meteo-France abstract
A-p03 Jean Francois Caron A Comparison Between 4D-Var and 4D-EnVar in the Canadian Regional Deterministic Prediction System abstract
A-p04 Per Dahlgren A large scale host model constraint in a limited area 4D-Var abstract
A-p05 Xinxiu Deng The February 2013 Upgrade to the Canada Operational Ensemble Kalman Filter abstract
A-p06 Gael Descombes Multivariate Background Errors for 3DVar Cloud Analysis abstract
A-p07 Maria Dillon Application of the WRF LETKF System over Argentina: a Case Study abstract
A-p08 Enomoto Takeshi AFES.LETKF Experimental Ensemble Reanalysis 2 abstract
A-p09 Jonathan Flowerdew Initial Trials of 4D-Ensemble-Var for Data Assimilation and Ensemble Initialization abstract
A-p10 David Groff The Impact of Community Radiative Transfer Model Microwave Sea Surface Emissivity Improvements on Forecast Skill abstract
A-p11 Soyoung Ha Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation for the MPAS system abstract
A-p12 Soyoung Ha Model error representation in mesoscale WRF-DART cycling run abstract
A-p13 Elias Holm Cloud Condensate Control Variable Transform and Background Errors abstract
A-p14 Ming Hu Improving GSI 3DVAR-Ensemble Hybrid Data Assimilation System for Mesoscale Application with the Rapid Refresh abstract
A-p15 Ji-Sun Kang Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter Data Assimilation System Implemented to a Next-Generation Global Model of KIAPS abstract
A-p17 Masaru Kunii Mesoscale data assimilation experiment with the NHM-LETKF abstract
A-p18 Jun Li Improving tropical cyclone forecasts by assimilating satellite sounding measurements abstract
A-p19 Hui Liu Achieving Superior Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts by Improving the Assimilation of High-Resolution Satellite Data into Mesoscale Prediction Models abstract
A-p21 Anthony Reinhart Initial Performance and Verification Results of a Cycled WRF/DART Multiscale Ensemble System at Texas Tech University abstract
A-p22 Fabio Luiz Rodrigues Diniz Forecast and Analysis Verification of CPTEC/INPE G3DVAR abstract
A-p24 Anna Shlyaeva Assimilating Conventional Observations for the Global Atmospheric Model SL-AV with Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter abstract
A-p26 Lucio Torrisi The CNMCA (Italian National Meteorological Center) Operational LETKF Data Assimilation System: recent developments abstract
A-p28 Pei Wang The impacts of MODIS and SSM/I total precipitable water on Hurricane Sandy forecasts in regional NWP model abstract
A-p29 Xuguang Wang GSI-based Hybrid Data Assimilation for NCEP GFS: How Is the Dual Resolution Hybrid Compared to the Single Resolution Hybrid? abstract
A-p32 Jack Woollen Hybrid ENKF Reanalysis of 1981-1982 Period for Comparison with CFSR Results abstract
A-p33 Yuanfu Xie A Multigrid Technique in Advanced Global Data Assimilation abstract
A-p35 Akira Yamazaki Storm Tracks and Low-Frequency Variabilities in AFES-LETKF Experimental Ensemble Reanalysis 2 abstract